Monday, November 1, 2021

We're Doomed

      Well, it's not a sure thing, but if you listen to the media, the coming loss of the Virginia governorship by Democrats to a  tRump lite Republican is the proverbial handwriting on the wall.  Thanks to non-stop pro Republican reporting by the mainstream media and unrelenting attacks from the right it is assumed by many the Democrats' agenda is doomed and we are on a glide path to Republican domination for decades, if not forever.

      No, Virginia, we are not Hungary and tRump is not Victor Orban.   Reports of Democracy's demise have been greatly exaggerated for effect by many in the media.  However, many Americans have greater faith in their fellow citizens than is generally given credit.  Glenn Youngkin may win the Va. governorship, but I don't think that spells impending doom for Democrats in general.   If there is blame to be apportioned, the media must accept a disproportionate share.

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