Thursday, November 18, 2021

The hits just keep on coming

        According to the latest in a steady stream of books documenting the waning days of failed former president tRump, one of his lawyers demanded a high ranking DOD official authorize a "mission" to capture CIA director Gina Haspel.   The head spook was, according to tRump lawyer Sydney Powell trying to grab and destroy servers located in Germany which had switched millions of votes in the recent election from tRump to Biden.

      The DOD official,, a staunch ally of the former guy refused to play along with Powell who he described as a nut case, according to Jonathon Karl's account of the encounter.   Meanwhile, a CIA spokesman had to issue a statement confirming the presence of the CIA director in her office.

      The whole episode is of a piece with other reporting of the bonkers atmosphere prevailing of the post election White House.   What is unspoken in the various books is the real reason for tRump's obsession with retaining the presidency.   The many crimes the president committed during his tenure would come home to roost after his defeat.   Without the legal immunity provided by the office, it seems the Donald may finally be held to account.   Stay tuned.

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