Friday, September 10, 2021

The whimper

      As many pundits and historians have put it over the years, American democracy will end with a whimper in the night.   Instead of a full on insurrection, a nation which was built on the rule of law will see respect for the law fall away under a thousand cynical assaults.   The Texas abortion law is a case in point.   Instead of a full throated affirmation of a woman's right to sovereignty over her own body, the majority of justices on the Supreme Court chose to de facto uphold a blatantly unconstitutional law banning all abortions in the state after 6 weeks.

     Various laws enacted by Republican controlled legislatures around the country are putting roadblocks up against the exercise of the voting rights of many citizens, especially if they are minorities, women or young voters.   The excuse is "election security".  In reality it is suppression of voters who don't support the authoritarian party the GOP has become.

     Many of us will wake up in the not too distant future and realize too late that democracy has been hamstrung by a minority party which celebrates tyrannical rule for the benefit of the billionaire class and its sycophants.   It is not too late to turn the tide, but the Democratic party must realize it no longer has an opposition party which believes in the Constitution.

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