Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Death by a thousand cuts

      Trying to enact the "build back better" agenda of the Biden administration is like dying a slow death by a thousand paper cuts.  In this case, each cut represents a lobbyist getting in the face of vulnerable members of congress.   These congresscritters are being reminded they serve not at the pleasure of their voters, but their real paymasters.   To cross the corporations which control the national legislature is to invite severe financial repercussions including banishment from lucrative jobs in the private sector following their "service" to the country.

      The men and women from swing districts who voted for Obamacare in 2009 knew they were signing their political death warrants ahead of the 2010 elections, yet they voted in favor of expanding health care to millions.   What is now at stake is the future of the human race and yet Joe Manchin would seemingly stand athwart the pages of history and yell "enough" and kill perhaps the last, best hope of staving off planetary disaster.   

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