Thursday, September 2, 2021

The dog finally caught the car

        When Roe vs. Wade was decided in the early 1970s, it was only controversial among a small coterie of activists on either side of the issue.  The vast majority of Americans had no opinion one way or the other.   Fast forward 50 years and abortion rights is lightning rod among a large minority of citizens.  

      Those who favor a woman's right to control over her body are diametrically opposed by those who say human life begins at conception and the unborn fetus has rights which trump all other rights the putative mother may claim.   While many who hold the latter view are whole hearted in their advocacy, many are cynically encouraged to demonstrate by so called "culture warriors" who are overwhelmingly Republican office holders and operatives.

       Forbidding women to abort and forcing them to bring unwanted pregnancies to term is the hold grail which the GOP has encouraged, much like a dog chasing a car.   Neither the Republicans nor the dog ever expected to catch the car and I don't think they really have a plan if the impossible should happen.  

      The decision yesterday by the Supreme Court to not enjoin the Texas law which prohibits abortion after six weeks hands a major victory to one side.  It will, however, create a firestorm of opposition on the part of women who believe in empowerment and the men who support them.  The dog will be having second thoughts in the very near future!

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