Thursday, September 23, 2021

It's hand wringing time for Democrats

        As the entire Biden agenda threatens to fall into the abyss, the pundit class expresses little or no opinion as to the content of the bills in question.   The argument is  always framed as moderates vs. progressives, or that hoary old cliche, "Dems in disarray".  

      Some on the progressive side are finally pointing fingers at the so-called moderates and asking what part of the bills in question are they prepared to cut.   The three moderates killing  the clause enabling the government to negotiate with big pharma on drug pricing are sucking up millions in contributions by the drug companies.  Likewise, Joe Manchin's donors include many fossil fuel companies.  What is wrong in shining a light on these transactions and watching the cockroaches scurry for cover.

     Without an overarching dogma to fall back on, the Democratic caucus in both the House and Senate are fractious to a degree that Republicans, with their devotion to tax cuts for the rich and white supremacy never approach.   Now is the time for Dems to unite around the cause of the 99% and legislate like the existence of representative democracy is on the line.  Because it is.

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