Friday, September 17, 2021

the Maga among us

        I took my new puppy for obedience lessons yesterday.   For the most part, Maggie is a sweetheart, but playful puppy nips today can turn ugly and teething on chair legs i a definite no no.  So off to a trainer.   While obeying the trainer's injunction to stay in my car with the pup until it was time to start my hour lesson, I had to listen to him and the previous customer lament the political situation and sympathize with the loser of the last election.   

      The trainer hauled out the "some of my best friends are democrats" chestnut before agreeing with the other man's opinion these Democrats were hell bent on imposing their views on everyone.  Personally, I believe everyone is entitled to their own beliefs and opinions, but failure to agree with the facts on the ground disqualifies one from a rational argument.   The trainer self evidently loves dogs, so I won't let his political views deny Maggie Mae a good doggie education.  I just hope our society is not one step away from allowing political views to dictate our economic and social decisions.

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