Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Covid and recall politics

     Democrats realized last night they have a potent weapon in upcoming elections; Covid sanity.   In the much ballyhooed California recall election yesterday, the lucid members of the electorate voted overwhelmingly to retain the services of Gov. Gavin Newsom at least until the next election.   They firmly rejected to politics of ignorance and hate exemplified by the leading Republican candidate, Larry Elder.

     Obviously, Democrats can't export Covid competence and tRump aversion to a state like Alabama, but in purple states like Arizona and even Ohio, there is a longing for expertise and competence whih bodes well for Democratic candidates in the mid terms next year.   Newsom showed the way to handle extremism and the Republicans wrote a primer on how to exploit the fear and ignorance which is part and parcel of their strategy.   Last night's results show this combination appeals to a shrinking minority of Americans.

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