Thursday, September 16, 2021

The conundrum

       Charles Blow in today's NYT makes a valid point; that black and brown men, while overwhelmingly loyal to the Democratic party are drawn to the regressive, patriarchal tendencies of the Republican party.   According to blow, nearly 50% of hispanic men and a quarter of black men voted to recall Gavin Newsom as governor of California.

      Blow's prescription is to treat men of color with the same solicitude Democrats accord working class white men.  Crafting policies and voting for them to produce concrete results which make their lives better is a more effective way of garnering enthusiastic support than merely holding up and ridiculing the destructive policies advocated by Republicans.  The fact that in a patriarchal society even black and brown men have a higher standing than almost any woman is the seductive lure of the GOP.  

     Unfortunately, we also live in a racist society which denigrates people of color.   As long as this is the norm, there is only one party which stands for equality and in a binary choice, black and brown men must hold Democrats accountable when they don't live up to the party's credo.   

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