Friday, September 24, 2021

Shining the light

        In today's NYT, Paul Krugman attempts to answer the mealy mouthed opposition to the Biden administration's human infrastructure bill.   He points out most of the opposition arguments are recycled right wing agitprop from the Reagan era.  The centrist, so called Democratic moderates are either ideological hostages of Republican nonsense or active believers in the "can't do" motto when it comes to actually improving the lives of the average voter.  

 Tiny Denmark manages to rank high on the list of countries whose citizens are actually happy.  It has a high percentage of union membership.   MacDonalds pays their workers the equivalent of $22.00/hr.  Yet, somehow the country is not the hellhole conservatives consistently believe it is.

     Most of the moderates in the Democratic party are actually running for safe seats which will probably not be impacted if the party falls in the 2022 elections.  They need to step up and prove to all of us that liberal governance can improve the average voter's life.  

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