Monday, September 27, 2021

Stupid kills

        Too anyone who believes in science, reports that Covid patients in hospital are actually denying they have the disease or alternately demanding treatments including horse worming paste it would seem the silly season is in full swing.   If the results weren't so dire, the spectacle would be funny.   Welcome to the post tRump, post truth era.

        It now seems owning the libs is more important than life itself to the average tRumpista.   At another rally in Georgia on Saturday, the twice impeached failed former president spewed lie after lie about the presidential election  he lost.   Even the Cyber Ninja fraudit in Arizona failed to uncover any voter fraud in Biden's win in Maricopa county.   Yet the faithful continue to believe in the Big Lie and seemingly nothing will move the opinion of nearly 30% of the electorate.   The stupidity continues to hurt...

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