Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Wishing and hoping

        Kevin Drum is a spoilsport.   In a post on his blog, Jabberwocking, he mocks the "evidence" of UFO sightings by Air Force and Navy pilots which has finally provoked an  assessment by the intelligence community.   While most of us, I think, would like the "aliens are among us", meme to be true, especially if they are an advanced species with tender concerns for human race,  Drum blows off the possibility.

     Referring the blurry pics most often advanced to prove UFOs exist, he wonders that earth must be the crossroads of the galaxy with the multiplicity of sightings, especially miles above ground in out  of the way corners of the earth.  Now, if only a flying saucer would land in Times Square at noon some day.  Nah, the UFO phenomena would be permanently debunked in that case.   The saucer pilots would just be another NYC event.

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