Friday, May 7, 2021

Butt kissing for fun and profit

       I don't usually make consecutive posts on the same subject, but the nauseating actions of NY 21's representative in the last 24 hours has inspired me to highlight Elise Stefanik who has been likened to a "power hungry automaton"..  Frankly, this is an insult to power hungry automatons everywhere.

      In keeping with her usual M.O., Stefanik refused to face the media, either national or local.  She appeared on podcasts by tRump sycophants Steve Bannon and Sebastian Gorka.  In both "interviews", she praised the former guy as the greatest protector of the Constitution.  Stefanik, who originally won in my district promising to work across the aisle with Democrats has since thrown bi-partisanship under the bus and has basically endorsed the "own the libs" policy of the tRumpist wing of the GOP.  It seems a fait accompli she will oust Liz Cheney and become the number 3 Republican in the House caucus.  

     Liz Cheney, Mitt Romney and a handful of other Republicans are all that is left of the traditional wing of the party in Congress.  Stefanik and those who think tRump is the future of the party are ascendant.  Lies and hypocrisy is their stock in trade.   Expect more of the same until or unless they  are repudiated on a national basis for several election cycles.  I'm not holding my breath!

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