Thursday, May 27, 2021


       Watching the latest installment of the tRump show is for most of us a guilty pleasure.   Despite most of us wanting to put Cheetolini and his administration in the political rear view mirror, many of us want to see him pay a price for his wanton lawlessness.   The news the Manhattan D.A's office is seating a Grand Jury to hear evidence of crimes perpetrated by the Trump Organization and possibly by some of its executives is exciting in that there is no possibility tRump or his minions can affect the proceedings.

     Personally, I would like the 45th President to be held responsible for the decay of democracy which happened on his watch.    Other investigations into this issue are ongoing, chiefly in Georgia where tRump sought to convince the Secretary of State to "find" enough votes for him to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election.  Although unlikely, there is also the possibility of Federal investigation of the obstruction of justice evidence uncovered by the Mueller report which was covered up and obscured by former AG Bill Barr.  All of these investigations are problematic in that they are inherently political and powerful forces are arrayed against them.

    Al Capone, the notorious prohibition era gangster was not prosecuted for ordering the murder of rivals and subversion of elected officials.   He was finally brought to justice for income tax evasion.  The same sort of reckoning is probably tRump's fate also.  Perhaps a less than satisfactory reckoning for all the damage the man has done to our democracy, but probably the best we can expect.  The spectacle of a trial held in 2022 is something to look forward to.

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