Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Same as it ever was...

       Once more, the beltway media is hyping the "Democrats are doomed" storyline so much beloved by the GOP media whisperers.  The latest salvo from the doomsayers is the renewed violence in the mideast.  As usual, despite the provocation of Hamas and its rocket barrage of Israel, a pretty large percentage of media outlets have focused on the IDF's response and the toll on civilians in Gaza.  

      Biden, so the press would have you believe is damned no matter what he says or does.   An increasing slice of the Democratic officeholders in DC are pushing for the US to pressure Israel to call for a ceasefire with Hamas.  This is perfidy, according to the GOP.   Republicans loyalty to the increasingly anti-democratic forces in the Israeli government threatens to open a fissure in America's policy toward Israel.

     The media continues to hype this potential conflict between the parties despite the fact the present administration has continued to defend Israel's right to respond to the Palestinian's attacks.   No matter, says the media.   It's a crisis and according to most outlets, the administration is failing.   What they don't say is no matter what Biden says or does, they will opine it was the wrong thing.  Mission accomplished.

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