Monday, May 3, 2021

The Afghan "Dilemma"

        As US troops begin withdrawal from Afghanistan this month, the usual suspects are coming out of the woodwork to tell everyone more in sorrow than in anger that Joe Biden is making a big mistake and somehow keeping several thousand troops in the country is going to benefit our  national interests.

       We have all seen this movie before.  From the spectacle of our troops and diplomats leaving the roof of the embassy in Saigon (excuse me, I mean Ho Chi Minh City) to the more orderly evacuation of troops from Iraq, we don't seem to notice the native populations really don't want a bunch of trigger happy foreign troops patrolling their countries.   Maybe the naysayers are right this time and if we keep spending billions of dollars on a corrupt administration of US toadies in Kabul it will somehow turn out differently.  I doubt it.

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