Thursday, May 6, 2021

Willful ignorance vs. principle

      So, it looks like my local congresscritter, Elise Stefanik, will be moving into House leadership as she steps over the soon to be prostrate political body of Liz Cheney, the present number three the GOP caucus.    Our Harvard educated representative has made a conscious choice to back the failed former president's big lie concerning the 2020 election than Cheney's stand for the truth.

      For an innocent bystander, this presents a Hobson's choice.   Cheney is on the side of the angels in this matter, but her overall record as a torture apologist and hard right conservative makes it hard to discern any virtue in her.   Stefanik is a facile liar and an opportunist of the first order who is willing to advance the pernicious lie tRump has advanced that millions of illegal votes led to Joe Biden's election.  This flies in the face of reality, but so far in her career, Stefanik hasn't let truth get in the way of political advancement.  

     Cheney is betting on a tRump comeback in 2024 along with the death of our democracy.  Cheney is no Joan of Arc, bu in the long run her party will shake off its thralldom to the orange menace from Mar a Lago.  Stefanik is bettingt my political money is on her and the few Republicans in congress who are defending our small d democracy.

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