Wednesday, May 26, 2021

We've been down this road before

      Infrastructure Week has come and seemingly gone once again.   Republicans are standing by their offer of less than half of what the Biden administration proposed to spend on hard infrastructure such as roads and bridges and human infrastructure like day care.  The negotiators for the GOP seem intent on running out the clock and killing the entire bill rather than make good faith attempts to reach a compromise.  

     Meanwhile, it seems Biden is participating in this kabuki dance in order to convince reluctant Democrats he tried to work with Republicans in the spirit of bi-partisanship, but it was not to be and therefore the Dems need to go it alone.   Obama tried desperately to coax Republicans to participate in governance, but Mitch McConnel's merry band never had any intention to cooperate with the Kenyan Muslim usurper.   Biden may have believed he had the magic touch necessary to coax the GOP to help their fellow citizens, but by now the evidence it is overwhelmingly against that possibility.  Biden needs to negotiate with Joe Manchin and other reluctant Democrats to pass the bill through reconciliation.  That is the only way infrastructure will get done.

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