Monday, May 24, 2021

To mask or not to mask...

        It's becoming more and more confusing.   Some stores in this area are "recommending" masks while shopping.   Others make it optional depending on individuals' vaccination status.  The Divine Mrs. M and I had breakfast at a local diner on Sunday morning and we were the only persons in a fairly crowded room to wear our masks until we were seated.

      I think the CDC was between a rock and a hard place when it issued guidelines for masking in America last week.    Without "vaccine passports" and the necessary bureaucracy to check them at every public venue, it is virtually impossible to tell who has been jabbed.   Leaving everyone to go by the honor system is the only way guaranteed not to ruffle feathers.  It is also an invitation to those who are vaccine hesitant to jettison masks.

     I don't know what the answer is, but until enough of my fellow citizens are vaccinated to reach herd immunity, I will continue to wear a mask in crowded situations among possibly non immunized people.

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