Monday, May 17, 2021

Whose idea of normal

        We seem  to be living in an increasingly polarized world, both financially and politically.   Economic inequality is at levels not seen since the 1920s.   Our fractured polity has not been so divided since the Civil War.   The solution to these problems demands our full attention.   Instead, we obsess over tRump's many crimes on the left and the injustice of "cancel culture" on the right.

      I wish I had the solutions and could lay them out in a coherent and persuasive manner.  Instead, as Paul Krugman suggested and the recent sightings of UFOs seemingly verified by the Pentagon suggest, we may be in the throes of an alien invasion and opposition to space invaders may be just the thing to unite the human race.   Little green men may be able to do what we manifestly cannot do ourselves, namely focus our attention on a problem which we can all agree on.   I am only being facetious, but the problems remain and perhaps a credible  outside threat may be just what we need.   Any other suggestions?

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