Thursday, May 13, 2021

Cognitive Dissonance

       Cognitive Dissonance is defined as the conflict involved when someone tries to hold two very different views simultaneously.   I think that is a pretty accurate description of the present state of the Republican party.

      Many in today's GOP, especially elected officials know there was no problems with the 2020 elections.   Republicans at all levels of government were elected in more than adequate numbers.  If, indeed, the party was the victim of a rigged election, then whoever rigged it did a very poor job, considering Republicans made significant gains in the House and lost the Senate due to the incompetence of their candidates in Georgia.   These same officials have to somehow reconcile a fairly decent showing in the elections with the wipeout experienced by the top of the ticket.

      The failed former president lost the popular vote by over 8 million.  The Big Lie becomes much harder to swallow when viewed against the good showing the rest of the party made.   Having Liz Cheney rub your face in it doesn't help.

     So, the party is now defenestrating Cheney from her leadership position for telling the truth and will install a more moderate member whose main qualification is the ability to talk while also licking the former guy's shoes.   Heads will explode in the coming months.

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