Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Unreality TV

     As has become a daily ritual, the president* convened his unreality show last night.  Complete with a captive press corps which actually asked concise and timely questions only to be verbally bludgeoned by Cheetolini, who obviously thinks refusing responsibility and  blaming governors and the news media for the nation's problems is a dandy tactic.
     I didn't watch the marathon bloviation, but the capsule summaries and occasional direct quotes played by various shows after the fact were illustrative of how far our political culture has fallen.  If Obama had treated the media the same way, a blizzard of editorials would be calling for his censure or impeachment.   Instead, we are left with slack jawed commentators who vainly search for anything '"presidential" in tRump's demeanor.  Instead we are left with the impression our government is being led by a 10 year old who is being held responsible for failing his latest test and is instead blaming his parents for not waking him up in time so he could buy the cheat sheet for said test.

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