Thursday, April 16, 2020

Purposeless effort vs. effortless purpose

    Cheetolini's supposed rollout of industry "task forces" to help reopen America's economy was yet another example of the administration's pathetic response to the pandemic.   Many of the industry leaders claimed they were not contacted before their names were mentioned by the president*.  It would seem the major purpose of the name dropping was to show tRump was a strong leader.  Meanwhile, no purpose for these groups was stated.  So, more confusion reigns.
     Contrast this with South Korea's response to the coronavirus.  After a brief spike in cases during March, the government's aggressive testing policy has essentially driven the number of new cases to near zero as of April 13.  As soon as S. Korea was hit with the first cases of the disease in late February, the leaders of the nation in consultation with pharmaceutical companies developed a test for the infection and began testing large chunks of the population.   By getting ahead of the coronavirus they have suppressed it without using the draconian policies adopted by China.
    Two countries, two responses.  I report, you decide!

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