Monday, April 13, 2020

Truth is stranger....

     I have been watching Ali Velshi's Saturday and Sunday morning shows on MSNBC during the pandemic.  Velshi is the closest thing the network has to an economics guru and most of what he says makes sense.  However, he has a tendency to fawn on "experts" when he brings them on his show, and Sunday's example was most egregious.
     How he came to book Art Laffer, the huckster responsible for supply side economics.  Laffer's claim to fame is the apocryphal story of how he wrote the math for his theory on the back of a napkin and enchanted Ronald Reagan.  The rest is the sad history of how Laffer's long discredited theory has captured the  GOP and stifled any conservative counter to it.  Velshi's ostensible reason for having Laffer on was a rumor Laffer would head the economic wing of tRump's supposed coronavirus task force.  But instead of taking him on regarding his recommendations concerning policy, Velshi tossed one softball after another in an embarrassing segment.  I hope this was a one and done.

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