Monday, April 27, 2020

tRump has no plan

     Contrary to Elizabeth Warren and her ubiquitous "I have a plan for that" rhetoric, the administration of Donald J.. Trump has nothing resembling a concrete plan for how we are to navigate the coronavirus pandemic and resume something approaching normal life.
     tRump and his facilitators in the right wing media first denied the existence of Covid 19, then slow walked any response to it until the body bags started to pile up.  Now they want to "reopen the economy" with no clear guidance on how to do so in a safe and effective manner.  Instead of a nationwide plan, taking into account the relative safety of some places, there is emerging several regional pacts among governors which may or may not be effective.
    The chaos of the national response is nowhere more evident than the dearth of testing for the virus.  We have been bombarded by calls for ramping up testing from the 150,000 now being conducted weekly, mostly for those already exhibiting  symptoms of the disease.   Experts say we should be conducting upwards of a million tests per day to establish a baseline of where the disease is and where it moving in the country.  Instead, Cheetolini is telling the individual governors they are in charge of testing.   No national compilation of results will be forthcoming if this is the way the program evolves.   We need a federally coordinated program.
     It seems tRump has decided to cut back his appearances on the dog and pony show daily briefings and that is all to the good.  Now, if only he will allow someone with expertise to formulate a credible response to the challenge we face, we may start heading in the right direction.

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