Thursday, April 2, 2020

Incompetence squared

       I have turned the television off between the hours of 5-7 p.m. each day so as to miss the "press briefing" at the White House.   I can't bear to watch the firehose of lies washing over the coronavirus crisis.  Even less can I bear the relentlessly stupid questions being posed to Cheetolini by a press corps which has lost its collective mind.
     The national press has done some yeoman work reporting on the shortages of personal protective equipment and ventilators plaguing hospitals at the epicenter of the outbreak.  Yesterday we learned that hundreds of millions of facemasks in inventory around the US have been purchased by foreign buyers and are poised to be shipped to other countries!   Did anyone ask tRump about why he has not centralized the supply chain through FEMA and directed the needed supplies to where they will do the most good?
     Our so called "elite" press is far more interested in preserving access to White House sources than pursuing substantive reporting.   I believe most of them with a few notable exceptions are afraid of a tRump tweet naming them anathema, thereby focusing his base's rabid hate on them.  We are so screwed...

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