Friday, April 10, 2020

Crisis and character

     Most of us, and especially New Yorkers knew who and what Donald J. Trump was, long before his campaign for the presidency.   From his early apprenticeship with his father, Fred, he learned racism, how to work with the mob, how to stiff contractors working for you and how to navigate the corridors of political power with well timed political contributions.   He added grifting to this panoply of horrifying traits as he branded cheap wines, tough steaks and even an eponymous institution of supposed  learning.
     Some of my friends from Long Island reveled in tRump's candidacy, preferring to see the wholly made up persona of his "Apprentice" tv show.  Here was a tough, brilliant workaholic tycoon they said.  If anyone could bring order to the federal government, The Donald was the chosen one.  The unspoken truth for many on L.I. and across the country was tRump's contrast with the black man who inhabited the oval office for 8 years.  That they could look at the totality of their candidate's record and decide he was superior to Hillary Clinton and her lifetime of service added misogyny to racism.  Even then, it took a jaded press and Vladimir Putin to push tRump to victory via an electoral college farce.
    Now we have an existential crisis, both medical and economic.  Instead of spending his days directing the fight against the coronavirus, he continues his steady diet of Faux News and ends his day spreading disinformation and bullying a press corps which gamely tries to hold him to account.  Yet, his base, including many of the aforementioned Long Islanders, love the DJT show and continue to support him.   C'mon people.  The man has shown he is a stupid, philandering, lying thieving weasal without a shred of empathy.    Wake up!

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