Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Media meltdown

      The president* appeared on his dog and pony show yesterday and announced if we as a nation are both good and lucky we might hold the coronavirus death toll to 150-240,000 citizens.   Some in the news media were ready to applaud this bit of revisionist history because tRump managed to look somber for a few minutes before attacking the media for being so unfair as to report actual facts.
     i don't know about anyone else, but this Charlie Brown and Lucy football act is starting to wear thin.   Cheetolini should be held to account every minute of every "press briefing" by reporters dedicated to the truth.  Instead we get crap from the NYT's Maggie Haberman telling us tRump disagrees with governors who tell him we still have a testing shortage.  Nobody seems to know where the millions of tests Pence promised 2 weeks ago went.  Inquiring minds want to know why the only people getting tested in most places are those exhibiting late stage symptoms such as fever and shortness of breath.   Where is the baseline testing every epidemiologist is saying is necessary to get hold of this disease?
     When Covid 19 is finally brought under control, probably by a vaccine now being developed, we need to hold this administration to account, even if Cheetolini is no longer in office.   He will be responsible for a large proportion of the carnage yet to come.

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