Friday, April 24, 2020

Hurtful stupidity

     I don't know if the pandemic is accelerating the stupidity in the nation's capital or merely exposing what was already in place.  From medical advice from the president* including injecting disinfectants like bleach into Covid 19 patients to somehow getting ultraviolet light into their bodies, to the Senate majority leader labeling federal aid to the states as "blue state bailouts", the stupidity on display is mind boggling.
     Most of the mainstream media chose not to publicize tRump's advocacy of disinfectants injection into patient's bodies, probably because many editors were afraid people  would start guzzling bleach or sticking UV lights into various bodily orifices.   Some trumpanzees may indeed experiment with these suggestions, but as Faux news motto states, " We report, you decide".  In this case, it may be a heavy dose of Darwinism.
     Meanwhile, in an excess of candor, Mitch McConnell labelled aid for states reeling from the economic fallout resulting from shelter in place orders as "blue state bailouts".  McConnell further suggested states be allowed to declare bankruptcy to escape some of the economic carnage.   He was excoriated by NY governor Andrew Cuomo and will probably have to walk back his words by later today.  However, he did offer an insight into GOP thinking about how to turn this crisis into an opportunity to gut spending in large democratic leaning states such as California and NY. 
     As some pundits have pointed out, the economic consequences of state level bankruptcy would have national and international ramifications as bond markets would spiral out of control, interest rates would climb and depression would grip the country for years.   Republicans would no doubt lose control of the senate and the presidency.    I'm sure someone is whispering these insights into the majority leader's ear, but it seems he would rather follow the script of the old Aesop's fable of the horse and the scorpion.

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