Monday, April 6, 2020

A weird spring

     Thanks to one of my daughters and her husband, I was finally able to get my asparagus beds cleaned off and get some planting done on a beautiful Saturday during what my youngest describes as "Covid shutdown hell".  We all practices social distancing and it felt good to exercise, although I had to be very careful with my surgically repaired shoulder.  Judging by the after effects on Sunday morning, the shoulder held up better than other parts of my anatomy.
     With the asparagus beds ready to go, I planted some lettuce and kale seed in a cold frame and put in a bed each of carrots and beets.  I have four beds of overwintered spinach which looks like survived the winter and will hopefully be producing  a bumper crop this spring.   At least gardening will get me outside during these lengthening spring days and help keep my mind off the developing crisis our nation faces.   There is little most of us can do except avoid human interaction and hope against hope the ignorant narcissistic idiot entrusted with our ship of state somehow navigates the pandemic now gripping our country without killing too many of us.

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