Friday, April 3, 2020

The coming chaos

      The president's* son-in-law made his debut at the White House coronavirus briefing yesterday, I am told.   Another legacy son of a NY real estate magnate,Jared Kushner seems to have done 3 things well in his life, according to NYT columnist Michelle Goldberg.  He was born to rich parents, married well and learned how to influence his father in law.  Besides that he has done precious little in a life lived in a luxury bubble.
      Kushner told tRump early on in the crisis that NY didn't need all the ventilators and hospital beds governor Cuomo had requested.  Now, we are about 6 days from testing that theory and if he is wrong, patients will be dying by the hundreds in hospital hallways throughout the city as doctors make life and death triage decisions.
     This is what happens when an ignorant failure who's greatest triumph is a reality tv show is elected to the presidency on a platform of anti-science, immigrant bashing, racism and misogyny.  Most of us knew there would be a stern test of this administration at some point.  Now we are here and I for one am terrified at the prospect.   The human and financial wreckage will take decades to clear away.

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