Thursday, August 16, 2018

The walls continue their closure

As the political junkies among us wait for the jury to begin deliberations in the Manafort case, we are constantly bombarded with the message the walls are closing in on our panicked president* who is becoming increasingly irrational.  I'm not so sure about either proclamation.  We have been comforted by the seeming inevitability of the scales of justice coming down on tRump's head, but in reality, there is probably no smoking gun showing our fearless leader actually responding to Putin's commands, unless Omarosa was in the room at the time (Lordy, I hope there are tapes).  As far as his irrationality, it doesn't seem markedly different than his time on the campaign trail, and certainly his fans probably find his spittle flecked tirades even more attractive with the whiff of insanity mixed in.  I have a feeling we'll be hearing about those stubbornly slow closing walls in 2020.

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