Tuesday, August 21, 2018

New takes on "Truthiness"

Although the term "truthy" was coined by Steven Colbert to describe the Shrub's administration and its tortured relationship with facts, it certainly fits tRump and his henchmen.  Cheeto Jesus has gone W one better however.   Bush the younger may have bent the truth to serve his policy ends.  The Donald lies for the sake of lying.   As Paul Krugman points out in his column today in the NYT, the GOP has been laying the foundations for this Orwellian assault on facts for a very long time.  Rudy Giuliani's assertion that "truth isn't truth" is just the latest manifestation of this war.  Up is down, black is white, truth is lies, ignorance is strength.  This is the reality Faux News and right wing talk radio are priming their audiences to live with.  Somewhere, Demosthenes weeps.

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