Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Slow motion train wreck

As we move ever so slowly toward the 2016 mid term elections, the steady drip of scandal after scandal leaks from the tRump administration.  While Omarosa is an admittedly not very sympathetic character, she is providing a view of the snake pit that is the current White House.  She was paid a salary of nearly 180,000/year for "outreach" to a black community she has derided over the years in service to a defacto white supremacist.  As her job approval cratered, she remained because she "said nice things" about her boss.   That seems to be the preferred route for those wishing to rise in Cheeto Jesus' administration.   By the time she has used her 15 minutes of fame, another scandal will take her place.  Meanwhile, the Meuller investigation continues to grind on despite tRump's spittle flecked bluster.    We all stare in horrified fascination as the train teeters on the edge of the abyss.  The question is not if, but when the wreck will happen and what will be the damage to out nation and its democratic heritage.

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