Wednesday, August 29, 2018

It's hot out there

It's feeling more like early July than late August here in the North Country.  With the temperatures topping 90 degrees yesterday and predicted to do so again today, those of us without air conditioning are eagerly awaiting some relief.   The worst part of this heat wave is the high minimum temperatures overnight.  It was 72 degrees this morning at 6 a.m.  Historically, that should be close to the high and low to mid 50s would be our low temperature.  For anyone with cool weather crops in the ground this climate regime is a nightmare.   Meanwhile, the hot weather veg is maturing more quickly than anticipated.  That means a likely early end to corn and tomatoes and the lack of replacement with spinach, kale and other cool weather crops.  If this is the future, I'm going to be looking for a used DeLorean.

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