Wednesday, August 22, 2018

It's raining shoes

The proverbial shoes are dropping fast as our *president gets closer and closer to a reckoning with his nemesis, Robert Mueller.   Cheeto Jesus spent last night at a rally in West Virginia among people who probably wouldn't care if he declared himself Emperor, but fortunately this dead ender segment of America will be shrinking in the months ahead as more and more people associated with what is fast becoming the most corrupt administration in our history begin to pay the price for their crimes.  Within minutes of each other, Paul Manafort was found guilty of bank fraud and seven other counts detailing his corrupt search for money after his connection with a criminal Ukrainian president ended.  This was followed closely by Michael Cohen, tRump's longtime "fixer" and a member of the inner circle at tRump Tower pleaded guilty to making payments to two women who claimed sexual relationships with the 45th president in the runup to the 2016 election, among other crimes.  Cohen directly implicated that the Donald instructed him to make the payments.  Coming in the wake of the Access Hollywood tapes which featured tRump bragging about grabbing women "by the pussy", the revelation affairs with a porn star and a playboy playmate would have no doubt sealed Hillary's victory.  Instead, Russian ratf*king of her e-mails and James Comey's meddling caused an abrupt drop in her polling numbers in the week before the election.  What these latest revelations mean as the midterm elections approach is a further erosion in support of our tinpot dictator as the less credulous of his supporters confront the avalanche of misdeeds by his cronies.  Break out the popcorn!

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