Monday, August 13, 2018


I heard an interesting program on NPR Saturday.  In the show, "Hidden Brain", it was posited that in experiments, false memories could be suggested and implanted in up to 25% of subjects, even if the suggestion was totally against the subject's lived experience.  Followed up by a program on Sunday; Radio Lab reported on more experiments with memory which posited that we constantly edit memories and indeed the only people with true recollections are amnesiacs who can't access and therefore edit said memories.   This suggests the reason so many republicans believe virtually anything tRump and his Faux News enablers say.  It would seem that the suggestible 25% of the population has self selected the republican party as their own.  Although this bodes ill for democracy, the scam artists who batten on this particular demographic are doing very well at the moment and should continue to do so at least in the short term.

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