Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Losing our democracy

Paul Krugman's column in today's NYT compares recent anti-democratic measures in Congress and several states with the descent of Poland and Hungary into fascist one party rule.  Krugman opines the GOP would do the same thing as the Law and Justice party in Poland and Fidelz in Hungary have already done in the way of suppression of freedom of the press and competing political parties.  Fortunately for us, we have a dim-witted Thug in Chief who probably can't pull off the necessary political maneuvers to dismantle what is left of our democracy.  The republicans in congress are hard at work trying to remain in power so they can continue to cover for tRump's corrupt administration, but he continues to sabotage their efforts.  The latest example being his refusal until called out by the American Legion to salute John McCain's service to the country.   If this latest episode has not convinced at least some of his dead end supporters to open their eyes, Krugman's lament for our democracy may not be far fetched.

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