Wednesday, August 1, 2018


As the walls move closer, tRump and Rudy Giuliani seem to be babbling more incoherently than ever.   Appealing to a shrinking base of true believers, they have gone from "no collusion" to "collusion is not a crime".  I guess the next stop is "no conspiracy".   It's only a short step from there to an impeachment trial.  Giuliani especially has spared no one from his creepy uncle persona in a non-stop blitz of incoherence on whatever network will invite him to perform.  Personally, I think most of the hosts are waiting for him to match some of his more over the top moments, such as comparing the tRump organization to a crime family.  It's a twofer.  He simultaneously pisses of liberals and excites the base.  What he and his boss are actually doing is unknowable, but it appears they are preparing for a fight to the finish with Robert Mueller and the truth.  I wouldn't make wagers as to who will win.

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