Friday, August 17, 2018

Stormy Weather

The title of this particular post could be political or meteorological.  I'm going with the weather, which has become increasingly erratic this year and promises to become even more unpredictable.  Western New York suffered through a very dry early summer and is now being inundated with record rainfall.  Farmers watched their crops wither and then drown.  Throughout the corn belt it was either far to dry or too wet for optimal crop growth.  Western wildfires cast a pall of smoke over areas that were otherwise unaffected.  I don't recall such wild swings in the weather when I was growing up on a farm on Long Island.   Amid the "Stormy" political intrigues in D.C. this year, we risk losing sight of the problems which will get exponentially worse in years to come if we delay action to reduce carbon emissions.  Our grandchildren will not thank us for this dereliction of duty.

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