Wednesday, February 7, 2018

We all ___________ a parade

Fortunately for the walls at Casa Monzeglio, the Divine Mrs. M knows when to pull a punch!  When she heard the news that our dear leader has commanded the Pentagon to come up with plans for a military parade on Pennsylvania Ave. sometime this year, her reaction was volcanic.  The idea of 70 ton Abrams tanks tearing up the road, soldiers in full battle kit marching past a reviewing stand featuring Cheeto Jesus and his henchman was more than my dearest could stomach.  I believe she will have to stop watching MSNBC or indeed any MSM outlet for the sake of her blood pressure.  That the American taxpayer should be charged additional millions of dollars for a pointless display of military prowess which will annoy our allies and embolden our enemies is horrifying in its childishness.   Do you think the soldiers will have MAGA emblazoned on their helmets?

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