Friday, February 23, 2018

And so it goes

The students at the high school in Florida who experienced the deaths of 17 classmates at the hands of a 19 year old shooter have behaved in a most uncomfortable manner for the NRA and its enablers.
They are calling BS on the standard "thoughts and prayers" mantra used by the arms industry to blunt the trauma and mute the calls for gun control.  They are confronting these horrible excuses for human beings such as Marco Rubio and demanding they refuse campaign contributions from the NRA.  I hope they continue to make them squirm.  However, these young heroes need to know they must harden themselves for the long haul if they expect to make real changes in gun laws.  The media celebrity will recede, but the hard work of organizing their peers and the parents and grandparents of high school and grammar school students across the country remains.  I hope they are up to the task, because the paid shills of the gun industry are doing their best to make sure hunting season remains open in schools across the country. 

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