Monday, February 19, 2018

Commonsense Soulutions

Every time anyone from Faux News to MSNBC puts together a panel of supposedly reasonable people to talk about gun violence and how to reduce it, virtually everyone calls for "commonsense solutions".   They go on to propose the same tired nostrums such as background checks, increased spending on mental health and vague reducing access to firearms by disturbed people.  Of course this is mostly pious  BS.   The US has roughly 5% of the world's population, yet owns nearly 50% of the privately owned firearms.  The only way to reduce the number of mass shootings is to restrict the supply of guns, just as every industrialized country in the world does.   Ban anything but double action handguns, single shot bolt action rifles and shotguns.  Buy back and destroy any semi-automatic handguns and rifles.  That is how you make Sandy Hook, Las Vegas and Parkland distant memories of the bad old days.  I have a feeling many if not most IRA members would support such legislation.  Are any politicians up for their Profile in Courage?

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