Tuesday, February 20, 2018

New words and old white men

I was going to focus the morning rant on the aspirations of old white men to continue their insidious misrule of the nation.  Then I learned a new word; kakistocracy.  It was coined in the early 19th century and means the rule of society by the least qualified and most unscrupulous members.  Sound like something we are living with?  The latest entry in the old white men kakistocracy sweepstakes is our old "friend" Willard Romney.  Mittens was last seen blathering about how he should have won the presidency in 2012, except for that pesky democracy thing.   I'm sure he is still fantasizing about an electoral college win similar to the Shrub's or Cheeto Jesus'.  But no, Mitt, you lost the popular and electoral college, so now Utah will be stuck with your outsize ego and tiny conscience for at least 6 years.  By then, you will be 77 and probably even more out of touch than you are today.  BTW, if anyone cares to celebrate, Mitch McConnell turns 76 today!  Along with our illustrious *president at 71 and an increasingly geriatric Senate and House, it seems old white men will continue to make the same mistakes they made as young white men and blame the rest of us for allowing them to perpetuate the system.   Fortunately, November is coming and hopefully we can show some of them the exit ramp for their wheelchairs.

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