Monday, February 19, 2018

The Bell is tollng

Judging by the latest tweetstorm from Mar-a-Lago, the liar in chief was doing a little thinking over the weekend.  Probably a function of being advised the optics of playing golf in South Florida while 17 families are preparing to bury loved ones slaughtered in the latest act of senseless gun violence.   So instead he focused on trying to tarnish the FBI, congressional democrats, Hillary and virtually anyone but the Russians.  Despite initially praising the indictment of 13 Russian nationals for conspiring to defraud Americans of their right to free and fair elections, tRump is still steadfastly refusing to condemn Russia in general and Putin in particular for this latest outrage.   While it is apparent to most observers, most media figures continue to dance around the central feature of the Russia investigation; Trump was compromised by the Russians.  Whether it is the infamous "pee tape" or more likely conclusive evidence of his participation in money laundering for Russian oligarchs, something is keeping the Donald from criticizing his handlers in Moscow.  However, as the cascading scandals uncovered by the press and the special counsel's investigation get closer to the Oval Office, its current resident becomes more unhinged with each barrage of tweets.  The bell is tolling.

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