Thursday, February 22, 2018

Severe lack of empathy

I have posted several times regarding the solution to the mass slaughter of innocent Americans by people with guns.   Take the damn things away.  The Divine Mrs. M and I attended a candidate forum last Saturday for 9 democrats and one republican who wish to replace our execrable congressional representative from the 21st district.  In the wake of the Parkland shooting, the candidates were asked for their solutions to the problem.  They ranged from an expanded background check to a ban on assault rifles to arming teachers.   The republican candidate fondly recalled bringing rifles and shotguns to school after an early morning duck hunt and leaving them in their lockers during the day.  I grew up with people who went duck hunting and don't remember seeing shotguns in my schoolmates' lockers!  The bottom line is none of these earnest folks were willing to meet the NRA in a fair fight and call BS on that organization's fealty to gun manufacturers and their willingness to sacrifice our fellow citizens on the alter of profit.  Let's face it, an AR-15 is designed to kill humans.  Anyone who buys one of these things is only lying if they say it is for any other purpose.  The fantasy many of these assholes have of defying the "deep state" is just that, a sick fantasy.  We need representatives in congress who are willing to make this a do or die issue, because it literally is.   I have a grandchild in the third grade and I hope to attend her high school graduation without a memorial for classmates who were killed by firearms.  

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