Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Hopeful signs

Maybe it is the sunny, relatively mild weather for late February here on the NCR, but the political portents seem to herald an activist spring.  In the wake of the #me too movement and now the political wake up call being administered by the students at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School after horrific shooting last week it would seem the left side of the political spectrum has the wind at its back.  Progressivism has had a rough few years.  Part of the problem is the left seems to focus all or most of its energy working on electing democratic presidents every four years. Then the activists lament the failure of their choice to work some kind of legislative magic to enact a liberal program with little congressional support.  Add to that the general torpor of the democratic base and you have a recipe for failure.  The new activism, especially by women and younger cohorts energized by tRump's election and the unprecedented corruption of the administration give hope that the left now realizes it must work from the bottom up to change the system.  Yes, a democratic president is important, but the 535 house and senate seats are where the action is and should be.  We have 9 candidates presently vying for the right to run in the 21st district in New York.  This is a harbinger of what is to come.

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