Friday, February 16, 2018

Rinse and repeat

The "thoughts and prayers" of the bloviating politicians have been duly noted, but the lives of the students who were slaughtered on Wednesday are over, and all the prayers in the world will not bring them back.  The rank hypocrisy of the democrats and republicans who dance to the tune played by the NRA and the gun manufacturers' lobby is a wonder to behold.  I understand the grief and rage of the survivors of the shooting and their vow to be the ones who finally force the US to join the rest of the first world in enacting some minimal gun control laws.  However, to call on the parents of Sandy Hook to join them seems a little hyperbolic.  Where were they after the horror in Connecticut?  I'm pretty sure a majority felt we should have more restrictions on gun ownership, but how many demanded action from their elected representatives?   I believe the only way to get real legislation on this issue is for gun control voters to apply a litmus test to every politician; are you for gun legislation or against it?  Then vote accordingly.

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