Tuesday, February 6, 2018


There must be intense pressure from somewhere in the tRump administration to intensify the war on poor people.  There is a new spate of articles in the Washington Post, NYT and even Vox about the coming crackdown on "fraud and waste" in the Social Security Disability and Supplemental Security Income programs.  Reading the poorly informed and condescending tone of the media regarding the people who use these safety nets makes me crazy.   The reporters who do these stories approach the recipients of the meager monthly stipends as an exotic species who are unable to make it in the modern world.   To an extent, that is true.  Most people on SSI or Disability have to be willing to trade their dignity and privacy for the pittance they are eligible to collect.   Without it, many would either be living with relatives or sleeping under highway bridges.  After listening to the Divine Mrs. M's war stories from the front lines in district Social Security Offices, I believe the vast majority of people using these programs probably could not get by without them.  Of course the Rand Paul's of this world will dredge up the "Welfare Queen" meme and cherry pick the one in a thousand moocher who is willing to fill out literally hundreds of forms and lay themselves open to microscopic scrutiny in order to collect a $1000./month.  As the richest country in the history of the world, to deny even the scammer that allowance is a pathetic testimony of our moral bankruptcy.  The financial industry brought the world to its knees in 2008 and most of the perps, including our very own *president are still walking around in the fresh air.   I am sickened by ignorant coverage of this issue.

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