Friday, September 15, 2017

What if

What if James Comey hadn't issued his infamous letter on Oct. 28,2016 insinuating he was about to re-open the investigation into Hillary's e-mail server?  What if the Russians had been called out by Facebook for using social media to target undecided voters?  What if the media treated each Trump scandal on a par with the only Clinton scandal they could find?  Obviously if any of the above had or had not happened we would be talking about President Clinton right now.  That is the gist of Clinton's take on "What Happened" in 2016.  But in a wide ranging interview with Rachel Maddow last night, she also offered her take on the tRump presidency so far and it was devastating in its comprehensive condemnation of both domestic and foreign policy.  Unfortunately, based on the likely audience, she was preaching to the choir.   Maybe she could book a segment on "Fox and Friends" next week!

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